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A supermarket is a self-service shop offering a wide variety of food and household products, organized into aisles.

It is larger and has a wider selection than a traditional grocery store, but is smaller and more limited in the range of merchandise than a hypermarket or big-box market.

Visit here to read more about Supuermarket

Django Image Cropping

WebVR — Virtual Reality for the Web


Python - Image processing

Top 9 Favorite Python Libraries for Building Image Search Engines

Languages used by Google ( Check answer at quora )

Google is using different types of programming languages like Object oriented programming languages, Web scripting languages etc.

The following are some of the languages used by Google.

1. Go (developed at Google), visit The Go Programming Language, DotNetPerls, GoByExample.

2. Python, visit, LearnPythonTheHardWay, Python2, Python3.

3. C++ , visit C++ Language - C++ Tutorials or C++ Tutorial - Learn C++ - .

4. JavaScript , visit JavaScript basics or JavaScript Tutorial .

5. Sawzall (A custom logging language developed by Rob Pike), visit Wikipedia .

Search is mostly based on C++ and some Python.

I am a great fan of talented & most innovative programmers like Rob Pike, Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, James Gosling, Anders Hezlsberg & Guido van Rossum etc. as they have contributed great programming languages as a food to the hungry IT world to empower it.

Important things for programmers

1. Git - download, learn with practice

2. Markdown - practice markdown to document the project, Github guide

3. StackOverFlow - ask questions here | dba.stackexchange

4. Quora - ask questions here

5. GeeksForGeeks - Great site for algorithms

6. C/C++ - C4Learn| Cprogramming | JavaTpoint | fresh2refresh | Programiz | w3Schools | C++ | CplusPlus | JavaTpoint

7. Java - examples , Official tutorial, JavaTpoint, TutorialsPoint, BeginnersBook, Guru99 - examples, 7 popular frameworks

8. Python - examples | LearnPythonTheHardWay | Python2, Python3 | Official Python2 Doc | JavaTpoint

9. Scala - examples, ScalaLang

10. Go - Official , examples, TutorialsPoint, DotNetPerls, GoByExample

11. C# - examples, TutorialsPoint

13. Ruby On Rails - TutorialsPoint, Codecademy, ROR Book

14. PHP - w3Schools, Codecademy, TutorialsPoint

15. JavaScript -, w3schools

16. TypeScript - TypeScriptLang, TutorialsPoint, more examples on Github

17. ASP.NET - examples, TutorialsPoint

18. iOS - examples, TutorialsPoint

19. React Native {for mobile app developement(iOS, Android) } - Official Doc at | TutorialsPoint

20. Android (for mobile app development) - Download and install | Getting started

21. Delpoyment Guides for - Angular 2 app | Static website

22. Fake online REST API for testing and prototyping -

23. Select best colors easily for websites - flatuicolors | flatuicolorpicker | flatcolors

24. MySQL - download | Installation guide | MySQLTutorial | NTU.EDU.SG Tutorial